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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Art of Sketching- My passion!!

 While my writing skills have taken a much needed break for the creative juices to come up with something much better and unique concept, I have kept myself busy with one of my other passion- "Sketching".

Herein I have uploaded some of them just for the exhibition purpose.

For the first time I have tried sketching myself and fortunately ended up with something which resembles to me more than I could have ever thought I could.

This is a sketch of my Friend cum Co-Author. 

This one is just out of pure imagination!!

My Favorite Actress-"Kareena Kapoor" 

My first attempt towards "The 3-D Art".

This one is my favorite "An Innocent Child!!

Truth is stranger than Fiction!!

P.S: All the images in this post are my own work and all the rights are reserved with me.
Some of them are recreated sketches of already existing art found on web and nowhere I take credit for the creativity.


  1. Very Nice.... I too would like to get sketched from you Aditya.....Would u ????

  2. Very Nice.... I too would like to get sketched from you Aditya.....Would u ????

  3. Dear Well Wisher, Thanks for the compliment. And if I know who you are, I can surely try sketching you. :)


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